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California, United States
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Monday, February 4, 2008

I Believe!

So why I like the man. He believes and I believe he is the voice of our generation and true change that America needs so desperately.

Believe with me everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

So what type of change exactly are you looking for?

I hear the C word day in and day out, but not backed up by much other than a sound bite.

Steven Weller said...

Complete and udder turn around inside Washington. Old practice out, new in. I am not interested in a anyone who know how to maneuver, Hillary, through the corrupt and messed up government we have today rather a person that will recognize that these things need to be fixed, (lobbying, special interests, etc), and I believe the only person available is Barack.

What say you? I am very interested in chatting about this with my closest friends and family, or anyone else for that matter.
THanks for the comments man!

Anonymous said...

Form without substance cast no shadow.

Steven Weller said...

However, we have been living in the shadows for far too long now and I am ready for the light...